Baptism Frequently Asked Questions

How do we schedule a Baptism?

It is recommended that Baptisms be scheduled at least three months in advance of the date you have in mind. Baptisms are held on the 2nd and last Sunday of every month. Parents are required to attend a parish Baptism class prior to scheduling baptism, godparents are encouraged to attend.  Once the class is complete and all required forms are submitted online the baptism can be scheduled.

When are Baptism ceremonies held?

Baptisms are scheduled on the 2nd and last Sunday of each month at 12pm. Please see current posted schedule online for exact dates or call parish office.

Are there age restrictions on Baptisms?

Infant Baptisms are given to newborns through age seven. Contact parish office to schedule infant Baptisms. Anyone over age seven who has not yet been baptized can attend classes and receive the Sacrament of Baptism. Contact the Religious Education Office at for more information.

Is Baptismal preparation required?

Yes, parents are required to attend a Baptism class. Classes are held in person on scheduled Saturdays from 8:30am-10am in the multipurpose room. Godparents are encouraged to attend. Please contact the parish office prior to signing up for a preparation class 707-762-4256.


Can we have a priest or deacon from outside St. James perform our child’s Baptism?

Yes, in most cases. However, St. James must give prior approval for visiting priests or deacons. Priests and deacons from outside the Diocese of Santa Rosa must provide a current letter of good standing from their diocese.

What about Godparents?

The Church requires that all children to be baptized have at least one Godparent of either sex. If you are having two Godparents one of each sex must be chosen. To fulfill the role of Godparent a person must be at least sixteen years of age and must be a baptized and confirmed Catholic. The person chosen must be living a life in harmony with the role to be undertaken (that is, they should be regularly practicing Catholics and if married, they should have been married in the Church.) The child’s parents may not serve as Godparents.

How should our child be dressed for Baptism?

Infants and small children are traditionally dressed in white. Some local children’s clothing stores sell baptismal attire and supplies. The traditional baptismal candle is provided by the parish, but families may bring their own to the ceremony if they so choose.

Is there a fee for Baptisms?

The Church does not charge a fee for Baptisms. It is traditional, however, to donate to both the parish and the priest or deacon who performs the baptism. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated.

Will I receive a Baptism certificate afterwards?

Baptism certificates are provided on the day of the Baptism and available upon request at any time during the life of the child. Certificates may be needed for proof of Baptism when the child receives First Communion, is confirmed as a teenager and at the time of marriage.




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