Girls and boys in 4th grade through high school, who have received First Eucharist, are eligible to serve as Altar Servers. Those who have been trained as St. James Altar Servers may sign up to serve through the the bold blue link below, which brings you to the Signup Genius links for each month. Altar Server training is ongoing. Information about future trainings will be found in the Sunday bulletins.
Altar Server Signup
Join other parishioners and add your voice or musical talents to our Masses and other services.
This group provides food resources, guidance, and prayers to people in need in our community. For information, contact the rectory at 762-4256.
The Knights of Columbus are a fraternal group of Catholic gentlemen committed to the exemplification of charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism, and defense of the priesthood. They are dedicated to serving our parish and community. For information contact the St. James Grand Knight, Tim Sheehan, Email: or visit their website:
All women are welcome! We have a group of women parishioners and their friends who socialize and who provide various services to our parish. Please check the bulletin for monthly meeting dates and times.
This ministry helps parishioners deal with the loss of loved ones. Meeting dates and times are listed in the bulletin.
The Italian Catholic Federation: Is a family oriented, non-profit fraternal organization dedicated to promoting activities that build family spirit, and bring men and women of all ages together. By joining a local branch, ICF members share their culture, heritage and religious beliefs. Please check the bulletin for meeting times and events.
St. James Church is home to Chapter 868 of Prayers & Squares International. A prayer quilt is a gift of love and prayer for someone in special need. It is a statement of our faith in God and His power to comfort, strengthen and heal.
St. James started this ministry in 2009, and we have blessed and distributed over 588 quilts. If you would like to join this ministry or if you wish to secure a quilt for someone in need, please contact the parish office: 762-4256 for information. .
The gardening ministry is comprised of volunteers who grow vegetables for the Commitee of the Shelterless and flowers for church beautification.
This group helps parishioners learn what sacrifices their parents and ancestors made, and honors them by preserving their stories. Please see the bulletin for meeting dates and times.
During Advent, this ministry collects gift cards to donate to needy families at five local schools and the Petaluma People Services Center. Parishioners purchase gift cards from Target and local grocery stores and drop them off at the Rectory. Checks can also be donated for this ministry.
The information regarding this ministry is shared via the bulletin beginning in November of each year.
Birthright is not a parish ministry, but is an interdenominational group that provides caring, non-judgmental support to women who have an unplanned pregnancy. All Birthright services are free, absolutely confidential, and available to any woman regardless of age, race, creed, economic or marital status. For information or assistance, contact Birthright (763-9888).
The Rosary is one of the central prayers of Catholicism. In it, we ask for Mary's intercession for our needs, and recall the various events in her life of faith. Volunteers lead the Rosary before each weekday Mass and before the Saturday Vigil Mass.
The Memorial Garden is near the fountain by the church entry. The fountain and nearby trees are surrounded by bricks memorializing parishioners and their families. Twice a year, bricks purchased by parishioners are added to the memorial garden. Contact the parish office for a form to order memorial bricks.