Faith Formation and Catechesis

St. James’ Family and Faith Formation encompasses religious instruction for elementary school students as well as Youth Ministry for our junior high and high school students. Additionally we have RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), Bible Study and other religious enrichment programs for adults which are held periodically. 

 Elementary Religious Education

The St. James Elementary Religious Education program is for children who are in First through Sixth grades. Our mission in Religious Education is to collaborate with parents to share the joy of faith with the children of our parish through a scripture based program.  Our Religious Education Coordinators are Teresa Dodson and Maureen Rudder. To find out more information about our program please email

Youth Ministry:  Parish Youth Catechesis (PYC)

St. James Parish has an active Youth Ministry Program for Junior High and High School youth. PYC is a combination of Catechesis and social activities. Catechesis is religious instruction where our youth learn about the sacred scriptures and rich traditions of our Catholic faith. The Youth Ministry Team will help the youth apply this knowledge into their daily lives, finding opportunities to share their gifts and talents with the parish and our community. Fun social activities are planned by our core Youth Group Leaders whose goal is to enrich their personal prayer life and create an environment to make new friends. Students receive the Sacrament of Confirmation while enrolled in the Youth Ministry program. Our Youth Ministry Coordinator is Nancy Chulla Brown.  Contact her by email at or by phone 707-762-9063.

Rite of Christian Initiation  of Adults 

RCIA prepares non-Catholics and non-confirmed Catholics for full communion with the church. It is a journey through which adults learn about the teachings of Jesus and learn how to put these teachings into practice by living as part of the Catholic community, serving others, and praying. RCIA is for three groups of people: those who have never been baptized in any faith, those who were baptized in another Christian faith, and baptized Catholics who have not received the sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation.  For more information, please Julie Parnow, RCIA Coordinator at

Bible Study

Blessed is She Bible Study and Prayer Group

A bible/scripture study for women raising children in the faith and the women who support them.  The dialogue centers around the unique beauty and challenges that come with living a faith-centered family life, as well as how to grow closer to our Lord and his Blessed Mother.    For more information contact Annemarie Nangle at

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